boak art digital 2

John Boak


Oil paint just feels good. It is in no hurry. Oil lingers. It remembers the moment. The daily changes of slow drying oil suggest new pathways while closing off others. Oil honors commitment and rewards us with depth of feeling.


Bits are agile. Digital painting frees development of the idea. Layers, color shifts, undoing, brushes, smudges, erasers, layer interactions: all serve the speedy feedback loops of learning. I like low-friction image evolution. Can I surprise me?


My tools let me be a hunter gatherer of the daily image. I walk & I curate the world. My images are icons of the moment. Whispers of feeling. Lines with logic. Jewels of the earth. The now is quick. It makes digital seem slow and painting glacial. I am grateful for eyes, hands & tools.

Viral Influence
Art in the Time of Corona Virus
May 20 — August 22, 2021
Arvada Center post
My post

808Projects Show
808 Santa Fe Drive
March 2019

boak art shop

help me stock the shop

There are many images on this site. The shop is new and has only my current paintings, both the original oils and the prints of them. It also has notecards and vintage posters. If you see an image in this site that you would like, let's put it in the shop. Tell me the name of the image and I'll give you a 10% off coupon for piece.
( a button, in the lower-right corner the Shop site. )

oil paintings

print galleries

July | Wilderness


digital paintings | the cabinet series

A selection of prints on aluminum



commissions, installations & public art

  • The Fitzgerald, Denver
    Fitzgerald Apartments
    Digital Mural
  • Aspire 7th & Grant
  • Hyatt Place Pena Station
    digital painting | prints
  • Oil
    oil painting
  • 1stBank, Edwards CO
    Oil Painting
  • cobank waterleaf grandgulch
    Aluminum Prints
  • Maring Stairwell
    Stairwell Aluminum Prints
  • elmoro rest area colorado
    El Moro Rest Area, Colorado
    aluminum, bronze, steel, glass, slate glyphs in architecture
  • Yamoransa ICTC glyphs
    Yamoransa ICTC Library
    Acrylic mural
  • kenkey ladies and volunteers
    Yamoransa ICTC Home Ec
    acrylic mural
  • St. Joseph Hospital
    St. Joseph Hospital
    oil on panel
  • Lavoir
    Oil on Birch Ply, 47"x53"
  • Palace
    Palace Oil on Birch Ply 47″x47″ January 2010